Emergency Articles
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
What actions to take when witnessing an accident or involved in an accident.
Step 1 : Remain calm: To be calm plays a very important role in an emergency situation, if you are battling to be calm, take a few deep breaths, if you still can’t manage, get someone to help you.
Step 2. Get as much information as possible of the incident in a very short period of time, example, how many vehicles are involved in the accident or how many people are injured that you can see, or has the vehicle overturned or a bus with passengers has collided with a vehicle or someone has fallen from a height of about 5 meters. In whatever incident it is collapse, drowning, etc.
Step 3. Call the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Immediately, “VERY IMPORTANT REMAIN CALM”, The EMS dispatch center will ask for as much details as possible in order to send the appropriate public services, Being it EMS, Fire Department, Power corporation or Traffic Department. Speak clearly and be calm, start with your name first, the incident, as in what happened and your location, phone numbers usually appear on the dashboard of the call center to minimize time.
Step 4. You as the caller or bystander ae not obligated to help on an accident scene unless you are a medical practitioner or if you are willing to help and have completed a first aid course, that will be your decision to make.
Step 5. If you decide to help, remember every incident is not the same, however reassuring victims are the same, if you see obvious bleeding and you have the necessary medical equipment, you may stop the bleeding. Please keep in mind Trauma victims you do not want to move these people as you can cause more damage than helping the patient, it is encouraged to wait for Emergency Medical Services. Medical Patients, if they are lying down put them on their side, try and make them as comfortable as possible. always reassure the patient until EMS arrives.
Step 6. When EMS arrives, give them a brief description of what happened and what was done, or treatment given to the patient while awaiting EMS.
How to stop Bleeding especially profuse bleeding.
- – Safety First use Gloves at all times when dealing with blood.
- – By using a pressure bandage
- – Stack with sterile Gauze and wrap with a clean bandage
- – If the hand or finger is bleeding, elevate the injured hand above the heart, in other words keep your hand higher than your heart, at the same time clean and dress the wound with sterile gauze and bandages.
- – Ensure to always clean wounds thoroughly with antiseptic solution before dressing a wound, this is to avoid infection.
- – Keep in mind a person can go into shock from loosing blood rapidly, to stop bleeding will be your mission as quick as possible.